Thursday, September 3, 2015


A week ago today was one of my ‘big’ moments in Nicaragua. 

We did a ‘Spa Day’ type setting for the women of the village.  We had 3 different stations set up-massage, hair, and manicure/pedicure.  I got assigned to do the mani/pedi area.  We had washbins set up so we could clean their hands or feet, and then paint their nails.  I was nervous.  I don’t deal well with feet, so as my first ‘customer’ came up I just prayed that she only wanted her nails done.  Thankfully she did. I did them.  I did a terrible job.  I don’t paint nails.  It’s just not a thing for me.  So it was a struggle. Ha. 

Then, because of the multitude of women and the scarcity of us ‘Gringas’ we ended up going to the women ourselves and didn’t mess with the washing station.

I went over to an area of women who come to find out was a Grandma, Mom, and Daughter that wanted both their hands and feet done.  I was terrified.  The Grandma was up first.  I did her nails and then it was time for the feet.  These women are in dirt 24/7. Most wear sandals. I said a prayer and asked that she place her foot on my leg, took a deep breath, and away we went!

As I started to clean off her toenails I began to feel this overwhelming peace come over me. I began to think, “This must have been how Jesus felt when He was cleaning the disciples’ feet.”

I began to feel honored. 

I began to glorify His name.

I went into a form of worship I had never experienced before.

Through all of this I was able to feel, for the first time, a pure form of servanthood.  I was so moved by being able to serve this beautiful woman.

I continued on and did the mom and the daughter.  I was quite embarrassed as I knew I didn’t do that good of a job so I barely looked into their eyes. I started to get up and the daughter says, “no no no!!” I looked up and she smiled so sweetly at me and motioned for me to sit still.  So I did.

Puzzled I just waited.  She said something to the rest of her family and they all gave her the bottles of fingernail polish that I had painted each of their hands and feet with. She collects them all then reaches for my hand,

smiles at me again and then

proceeds to paint MY nails. 

She painted each nail a different color that I had painted theirs. I’m sitting there flabbergasted. I just can’t wrap my brain around what is happening to me. I came here to serve her. She is the one who is in need. She’s the one who has ‘nothing’.  But as I sat there watching her do a professionals job on my nails I became so humbled. My heart cried out for her.  Through that simple act she filled my heart with so much love. And before I knew it those cries started to leak out from my eyes.  All I could do was just look up at her, smile, and let the tears flow.

She gets done and I’m reaching to stand up so I can hug her and she again motions me to sit.  She then proceeds to dip a cottonball into some nail polish remover and starts to clean the mess I had become while trying to paint their nails.  And a mess I was.  I had polish all over my hands, my legs, and my feet.  She cleaned it all off.  Every last bit.  I was spotless by the time she was done. Just as Jesus wiped me clean of all of my sins when He died on the cross for me.

Once she was done I reached up and just hugged her.  It was the only way I was able to express how I felt.

Later she grabbed an interpreter and came over to me to let me know that it was her way of sending me a souvenir to take home with me so I wouldn’t forget them.  And I told her there was no way I would forget. That they had captured part of my heart that will always be with them.  She said it was her way of showing how truly thankful she was for us and everything that we have done and provided for them.

It was a powerful experience.  One of many I experienced last week.  Slowly I’m sure they will start to come out and I will continue to post them. But for now, a week later and I have no intentions of taking off this fingernail polish.  It will be staying on as long as it holds on.  :-)


  1. What a neat "story" for lack of a better word. Amazing how God changes our heart when we follow his lead. Have you read the story Beth Moore tells about brushing the mans hair in the airport? You would appreciate it. Prayers as you continue on your journey!

  2. I am so happy that you were blessed to have such a life changing experience
